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Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., Founder and President of the Ruth Institute, warned those attending the Uganda National Youth Conference of the new colonialism of the Sexual Revolution.

Morse declared: “The old economic colonialism attempted to dominate the physical resources of the African continent. The new ideological imperialism attempts to dominate the soul of Africa.”

Morse continued: “The Sexual Revolution is not native to Africa. Wealthy and powerful people have spent vast sums of their own money to promote the Sexual Revolution.” These elites have also “captured the use of government and international agencies to impose these ideologies around the world,” especially in traditional societies.

Morse explained that the Sexual Revolution encompasses three main ideologies:

The Contraceptive Ideology – “Everyone is entitled to unlimited sexual activity without a live baby ever resulting. Abortion is the backup plan for an unwanted child.”

The Divorce Ideology – “A good society should separate both sex and babies from marriage. The underlying idea is that children do not really need to have a relationship with both of their parents. A person doesn’t have to be married to have sex or babies.”

The Gender Ideology – “Any differences we observe between men and women are socially constructed and evidence of injustice. The law and culture must eliminate all these differences.” The latest stage is “transgenderism,” meaning, “The sex of the body can be overwritten by technology and social engineering.”

Morse told Ugandans: “All of these ideas are foreign to your country. They were foreign to our country too until very recently.”

She also cautioned against using the terminology of the Sexual Revolution, which comes with built-in assumptions.  For instance, “gay” assumes that those with same-sex attraction are a distinct group of people who were “born that way.” Whereas, in reality, there is no “gay gene.” “There is no scientifically established definition of the word gay.” Also, “Sexual orientation is fluid in many people, meaning that it can change.”

Morse said that the elites behind the Sexual Revolution have targeted Africa because Africans are a threat to them. “The ideologues fear your vitality and your fertility and your faith.” The new Western colonialists “want your conformity. They want your hearts and minds.”

Dr. Morse’s speech was delivered on December 12, 2019, to a national youth conference sponsored by the Diocese of Kasana-Luweero, with more than 4,600 in attendance from Congo, Kenya, and all over Uganda.

The Ruth Institute is considering future activities in Africa, including the possibility of its own events.

The full text of Dr. Morse’s speech –“The New Colonialism of The Sexual Revolution” — is here.

The Ruth Institute is a global interfaith non-profit organization equipping Christians to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Dr. Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives

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