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La Fede Quotidiana pubblica in esclusiva gli appunti dell’intervento, durante la prima giornata del Congresso Mondiale delle Famiglie di Verona, di S.E. Sig. Eduard Habsburg Lothringen, Ambasciatore Straordinario e Plenipotenziario dell’Ambasciata d’Ungheria presso la Santa Sede sul tema di come parlare della famiglia su Twitter (“How to speak about Family on Twitter”)

We have to be aware that there are many angry people who hav,e different opinions on family topics.

If we speak about the beauty of family as we, Christians, see it we must prepare for anger, even if we are not aggressive.

Whatwewantisforpeopletoknowwhotogo 2 whentheycometo a realquestion.Whentheycometo a deadend in theirlives

What do I tweet?

IMHO Twitter is always a tad playful, light, positive.

Twitter is about moving images, moving stories. The best advertising for families on Twitter are little stories from everyday life that show the beauty and the uniqueness of our family vision. Preferably with pictures.

Now somefriendsofminedon’tagree on this, theyfeelthatyouhaveto unmask the error.

Pictures: I NEVER tweet pictures of my spouse and my 6 children. I don’t understand how people can do this but there are different approaches. However, if I can get a very evocative close-up of something in everyda life that doesn’t show my children’s faces I will tweet it. Simply because an image will make a tweet more attractive than the same nice message without image.

Respect and warm-hearted reaching out wins friends, not battles. I disagree on many things with some Twittterfollwers but still manage to find common ground on some particulars.

Deescalation: what I find one of the strongest gestures is – if one of your “opponents” on the Internet writes something that you can agree with, something that is good – like it or retweet it! This breaks the mould of “camps in battle”. You will find something if your “opponent” tweets something you agree with like it or retweet it

Do you pray for the people that you “do battle” with on family topics?? Do it.

Before you shoot out a hard reply to a “opponent” say a prayer for that person. That might achieve more than a Tweet

Thomas Aquinas always gave the opponent’s view a very fair go before arguing his position. Fight on arguments not personally

Don’t assume your “opponent” fights in a dishonest way. He might think the same of you

Disagreeing on family positions is possible, but doing nasty battle gives a pitiful message to observers

The “Catholic #Twettiquette” suggestions are meant NOT just for “your opponent”, but surprisingly for you, too.

You want as many people as possible get to know and love God? Your Catholic behaviour on Twitter makes a difference

Before simply blocking an opponent, suggest to stay civil in future. Seek dialogue. And don’t block.

Don’t forget what the Jesus man said: “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you on Twitter”.

Remember what the Peter man said: “How often should I not block my opponent on Twitter? Seven times? And Jesus said seventy seven times”



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